25 January 2024

Celebrating 5 Years of Yawn with 10 Memories

As the team celebrates our 5th anniversary, we’re taking the time to reflect on what makes Yawn – Yawn. In doing so, we asked everyone if they could pick out a favourite memory from their time with us. While our services, results and clients make up a huge part of what we do, it’s the smaller day-to-day moments that we found had made the biggest impact on our team.

We loved reading each other’s answers, and while you can never understand what it’s like to be in a team from the outside, we figured this is as close as we can get to sharing the Yawn experience. 


I have a whole host of favourite Yawn memories, but they’re all pretty similar. For me, nothing beats seeing someone find their stride in a role. Whether that’s the first time Jade ran a training session on her own, the first time Chantele ‘clicked’ with a client or the first time Beth exceeded a client’s target – I love witnessing the moment each team member realises they’re bloody brilliant at what they do and knowing we played even a small part in helping them see it. Because they all are – bloody brilliant.

– Grace


My favourite memory is boot camp – we were a team of 4 at the time and took a few days out to explore the Yawn brand. Pulling it apart and putting it back together, like we do for our clients day in and day out. It felt really special to share the brand with the team and watch them take ownership of it. Everything was up for grabs, and we could take it wherever we wanted to, and that’s the kind of spirit that I’d always dreamt of having in the agency.


We also had a lot of fun – we did Come Dine With Me, raced on the beach, and played a lot of poker and Monopoly (and we drank far more than I’d budgeted for!). It was really cool to look around and realise that I didn’t want to be anywhere else, that my colleagues were really good friends.

– Sam


My favourite memories about Yawn are the simple things: the warm smiles and greetings in the mornings, the appreciation of the small wins, lunch dates at the market, office music playlists, and what you have for dinner chats. I was worried about setting foot in a small agency on my first day. I was immediately welcomed with laughter, understanding and a kind curiosity for who I am, not just professionally but also as a person. 

– Jade


One of my absolute favourite memories from working at Yawn has to be the day we all tackled an escape room together. We split into two teams, ready to compete and have fun! It wasn’t just about the challenge – it was a day filled with laughter, teamwork, and a chance to get to know each other a little better!


Another day I cherish is my first day in the Yawn Team. Getting to dive straight into design tasks for Yawn’s re-branding was a blast. It was such a nice and fun start, especially because Grace took the time to ask what I loved most about my job (which is being creative, by the way!). I was ecstatic when my first task turned out to be just that – a creative day that set the tone for many more exciting projects thereafter.


But what really takes the cake is spending time with the team. Whether we’re diving into a project or just sharing space in the office, everyone is lovely, friendly, caring, and incredibly talented. Those are the days that make my job more than just a job. We’re a bunch of quirks and skills that somehow click together perfectly, making each day at Yawn a lesson, a laugh, and a whole lot of fun!


Oh, and let’s not forget Gusta, our four-legged bundle of joy. Any day she comes through the door is an instant mood lifter. Whether she’s playing with her squeaky duck or just laying on her bed, begging the closest team member to cover her up with a blanket, she really brightens up our days!

– Veronica 


Back in July 2023, I started my Marketing Executive role at Yawn. I had been at my previous job for a grand 8 years, so to start a brand-new role was pretty nerve-wracking, but as soon as I walked through the door on my first day, all of those nerves disappeared. I was greeted with the biggest smiles and so much warmth – I knew I was in the right place. Since then, I’ve done nothing but laugh, learn, create and of course, sing (the office playlists deliver). All of this is thanks to the team, this incredibly talented and supportive team that makes my job more than just a job!


Another favourite memory at Yawn has got to be when we spent the day with our amazing client, Eastwood Whelpton! On this beautiful, what should have been an autumnal day (the weather was extremely kind to us), we got to board one of their boats. Not only were we taught to sail, we were taught to race! This day was so much fun, not just spending time with the Yawn team but with the wonderful folks at Eastwood Whelpton, too. A definite bonus was seeing the dogs in their life jackets!

– Naomi 


Working with the Yawn Marketing team has been an absolute blast for me, especially because I’m all about connecting with people. It’s not just about having awesome coworkers; it’s about building real relationships with amazing clients from all walks of life.


What makes Yawn unique is the encouraging vibe that fills the office. When things are going well, the team is right there celebrating your victories and joy. And on the challenging days, everyone is quick to pitch in and ease each other’s loads. This camaraderie shapes a workplace that truly feels like a second home.


In my role as an Account Manager at Yawn Marketing, I’ve had the privilege of contributing to some remarkable marketing teams for our clients. Witnessing their businesses grow and thrive alongside ours has been nothing short of incredible. One of my fondest experiences here has been leading personal branding workshops with local businesses, watching their confidence soar as a direct result. The tangible impact of our marketing support is a constant source of fulfilment and motivation. Yawn Marketing isn’t just a workplace; it’s a community that fosters growth, both professionally and personally.

– Rachael



I honestly don’t think I’ve ever worked anywhere so lovely – and I mean that in an utterly non-sickly way (anyone who knows me will know that my cold, cynical heart simply wouldn’t tolerate anything vaguely schmaltzy!) But from the moment I walked in and met the team for the first time, I could sense that there was something special here.


I often think of something I once heard about babies – that you can’t force them to do something but that you can create the environment for it to happen (sleep, for example). And for me, that’s exactly what Sam and Grace have done here at Yawn. Everything that the agency was and is has come from these guys and their genuine drive to create a warm, collaborative, supportive environment, and that’s been something I am mindful of daily since I joined last year, being conscious that whatever I contributed to the agency MUST hold culture at its heart.


And I genuinely believe that clients feel that, too. One of the main pieces of feedback I heard time and time again on client calls after I joined was how much clients valued the relationships and interactions with our team members just as much as they valued the results we delivered for them. 


My scariest moment to date was when I was hiring for a new marketing exec after I’d been here just a few months. Recruiting a marketer with the best possible expertise and experience to fill the role was obviously essential – like any good agency, we measure our success by our clients’ successes – however, I was nervous about carrying the mantle of bringing a new person into the team – I was well aware of the weight of responsibility in finding the right fit for the Yawn team! That person turned out to be our very own Nai, who slotted straight into the team as if she’d been here for years (and she’s also a kick-ass marketer too!)


We’ve truly lucked out with every team member here at Yawn – a bunch of talented, hardworking marketing professionals who all bring something unique to the team in terms of the way they approach challenges and their viewpoints. And they all support each other to the hilt – if someone’s having a difficult day, the others instantly rally to hold them up. If someone needs a different pair of eyes to try and figure something out, everyone jumps in. It’s wonderful to come to work each day to see a team thriving together while making a genuine difference for our clients. 

– Jess


I joined Yawn in July 2023 as an Account Manager, filled with excitement and some menacing nerves. But guess what? The folk at Yawn made me feel at home right from day one with their big smiles and warm welcomes. From learning to sail on the Norfolk Broads to Monday meetings, every day I’ve been here has brought a mix of laughs and learning with some fantastic people.


Yawn is a place where you can be yourself, surrounded by many talented and caring people. It’s not just about our fantastic clients or our work; it’s a community that cheers you on in the highs and has your back in the lows. 

– Chantele


The thing that stands out the most about working at Yawn isn’t necessarily a specific memory but the people. I can say with full confidence that each and every one of us feels like a valued member of the team, but also (as cringey as it sounds), a group of friends that get to see eachother every day. It’s the laughs, the singalongs in the office, and the moments spent together that make reflecting on my time at Yawn special. 

– Beth


One time, a client brought their dog to the office and I got so excited that lots of little poos fell out of me while I ran around the room.

– Augusta (Office Dog)


If you want to hear more about our work culture and what it’s like at Yawn, listen to our brand new podcast, new episodes every week.

No boring answers, no off-the-shelf thinking

Our take on digital marketing trends, updates, tips and tricks.

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Celebrating 5 Years of Yawn with 10 Memories

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Celebrating 5 Years of Yawn with 10 Memories

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