Email Marketing

Unlocking the Power of Email Marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most effective tools for reaching your audience directly.
With billions of active email users worldwide, it’s a powerful way to engage with your customers and drive results.

We understand the importance of crafting compelling email campaigns that resonate with your audience.
Our team will work closely with you and your team to develop customised strategies tailored to your business goals.

Campaign Planning

We specialise in crafting tailored campaigns and ensure that every email is planned and executed to deliver results. Whether you’re looking to nurture customer relationships or boost engagement, we are dedicated to creating content that resonates with your audience and drives meaningful results.

Automation Strategy

We’ll collaborate with you to design and implement custom email workflows tailored to your brand’s unique needs and goals. From welcome series to abandoned cart reminders and beyond, we craft strategic automations that guide your subscribers through every stage of the customer journey.

Segmentation & Testing

We segment your email list based on different criteria, ensuring that each recipient receives highly targeted and relevant content. Additionally, we implement A/B testing methods to optimise your email campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

Email Marketing Audits

We provide comprehensive email and CRM audits aimed at optimising your digital marketing efforts. Our team conducts a thorough assessment of your email marketing campaigns and automations to identify areas for improvement and uncover opportunities.

Email compliance & deliverability support

Yawn Marketing is your trusted partner for email compliance and deliverability support, ensuring your email campaigns meet relevant requirements and reach your audience’s inbox effectively. We can help navigate the complexities of email regulations.

SMS & Push

Our SMS and push notification strategy services help businesses craft targeted mobile messaging campaigns that won’t get lost in the noise. We’ll help you craft permission-based messaging that keeps your customers informed, engaged, and ultimately, drive sales.

B2B Outreach

We craft strategic campaigns that cut through the inbox noise and spark genuine connections. We’ll help you find and nurture leads, build relationships, and drive conversions, all with targeted messaging that resonates with your ideal business partners.

Email Marketing Workshop

We offer engaging and informative Email Marketing Training Workshops designed to empower your team. Our workshops cover a wide range of topics, including email strategy, campaign planning, customer segmentation, email automation, and performance analytics.

We are Klaviyo Partners

Yawn Marketing is proud of our partnership with Klaviyo, a leading platform for email and SMS marketing. As certified Klaviyo Partners, we bring expertise and insights to help businesses leverage Klaviyo’s powerful features and capabilities effectively.

Klaviyo Partner

The best campaigns are those across multiple channels

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