- Viridis Plants

Growing a website for landscaping experts

Who They Are

Viridis Plants are specialists in growing and sourcing high-quality plants to the landscape market. As part of the Boningale Group, Virids is made up of experts in horticulture, allowing them to share knowledge and insight on the perfect plants for each season. Virids came to Yawn looking to expand their online presence through a simple website.

The Process

Knowing their expertise in the horticulture industry, we knew this website would be content-led with much of the information coming from their team. We therefore began by building a sitemap that would be adaptable and editable, adding regular blog posts and guides to work with the seasonality of horticulture.

We were also aware that much of Viridis Plants’ work was from existing customers that were landscaping new regions. This meant that the website was to become a destination for new customers to easily find information and get in touch with their team.

The Results

Yawn helped Viridis Plants create a sophisticated website to showcase their expertise and generate new customer enquiries. This website was a simple to navigate base, allowing the team to add expert content and seasonal recommendations, using their horticulture expertise. 

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