Blue Bear Coffee is a social enterprise that sells coffee and merchandise to support victims of sex trafficking – with profits going to Blue Bear Freedom Fund. As well as expanding their eCommerce opportunities, since working with Yawn, Blue Bear has opened a coffee shop in the heart of Norwich on Tombland.
It began with an office chat – how best can we help our community here in Norfolk? We then began offering pro-bono marketing support for charities and organisations. The aim was that we offer consultancy and training to develop an organisation’s marketing to give them the opportunity to flourish further in the long-term.
Our journey with Blue Bear involved delving into the analytics to really understand where support came from and how we could use this information to increase donations. We created internship and volunteering opportunities to further future marketing, as well as designing fundraising packs for groups. We’ve also rejuvenated their merchandise site to showcase their products and make space for new products in the future.
We’ve loved seeing how our consultative approach can develop marketing strategies in a collaborative way between us and the client. We succeeded in our aim of setting a charity up for the long-term, by providing clear action plans that Blue Bear were then able to take and run with!
We have been so blessed at Blue Bear Coffee Co. to have Yawn Marketing lend us their creative minds in helping us share our mission to fight slavery through coffee. Thank you guys - we appreciate you!
Bryn Frere-Smith, Founder of Blue Bear Coffee Co
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